These old / worn-out photographs were received from different sources over time. On the occasion of Gurudev’s 50th death anniversary in 2004, I decided to develop this treasure into an exhibition as my tribute to the great soul. These were repaired and enlarged to their potential without compromising on their originality. A bigger challenge for me was to identify the individuals present, location and the occasion at the time, as most images were blank. So I had to research and consult with authentic sources for obtaining the relevant details and text to be added, because I feel a photograph without its details is meaningless.

This collection is a source of inspiration for our young generation and restored ‘for generations to come’.

This was exhibited in 2004 at Ambala, in 2007 at Ludhiana and in 2009 at Delhi. Since then it has been displayed on my website.

Music by Gurmeet Singh (Violinist)
Music Recording by Simran Singh